Fighting Climate Change on the Farm
There has been a lot of buzz lately about the idea of planting a trillion trees globally to fight climate change by drawing carbon dioxide out of the air. Reforestation … Read more
How Virginia Farmers Protect Clean Water & Wildlife
In the Mid-Atlantic region, our staff often encounter the common misconception that protecting the environment and supporting farmers are incompatible. This is likely because agriculture is the largest source of … Read more
Forests Emerge As Global Priority At COP23
Following an exciting first week of the 23rd United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as the COP23, the National Wildlife Federation’s International Wildlife Conservation team continued to advocate for … Read more
Win-win solutions for the Environment and Wildlife
The National Wildlife Federation recently co-organized an official side event as part of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Marrakech. Our event focused on opportunities to improve management practices on … Read more
COP 19 Report: NWF’s Partnerships for Forest Protection
Greetings from Poland! NWF staff have been circling the National Stadium, speaking with government negotiators, civil society and the private sector. Yesterday was our opportunity to present the work we’ve …
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COPs, REDD and Climate Change: NWF Takes its Message to Poland
The air is starting to get chilly, the sun is setting earlier in the evening, and climate change professionals around the world are working longer hours. It must be time …
The post COPs, REDD and Climate Change: NWF Takes its Message to Poland appeared first on The National Wildlife Federation Blog.