Sustainable Agriculture
The National Wildlife Federation works with farmers and ranchers to encourage sustainable and resilient practices on our nation’s agricultural lands.
Roughly 902 million acres—or a little more than 50 percent of the lower 48 United States—are currently managed as cropland, pastureland, or rangeland. These working lands must be managed to provide critical habitat for our nation’s fish and wildlife, protect our water resources, and help mitigate climate change, while also meeting demands for food, fiber, fuel, and animal feed.
Farmers and ranchers that adopt resilient practices such as no till, diverse crop rotations, rotational grazing, manure management, and cover crops can increase profits and protect the land.
In 2013, the National Wildlife Federation began supporting Cover Crop Champions and in 2019 created the Grow More program to support trainings centered around sustainable agriculture.

The National Wildlife Federation promotes conservation practices through working with agriculture outreach partners in a “train the trainer” approach.

In 2013 the National Wildlife Federation began supporting Cover Crop Champions—leading farmers who provide knowledge and encouragement to other farmers and crop advisors in their local regions to increase conservation practice adoption. Champions are equipped with social science based training and tools from NWF to maximize their impact.
Get Started Today
It’s time to get involved! Get started by signing up for a training or learning more about becoming a Conservation Champion. Have questions? Send us us a note on our contact page.